Your email is big business to your personnal life. It is where you have most interactions, business and work access. Imagin that your email is linked to different social sites, different banking accounts, different job and business opportunites. Now with this kind of linkages it is important that you take security seriously.
The first point fo call is your password. If you are accessing your email, your password is the gate keeper. Make sure your password is safe and complicated enough not to be easily guessed when linked to your personal life. So avoid your childrens names, your parents, your birthday or even your second name. Make it a bit more complicated.
We all love communicating and sometimes attachements such as videos, letters, pictures, audios can be tempting to view. Watch out for these, if it looks suspicious then it is . If you don’t know where it is coming from it is probably not for you.
Now you do not want to get bite a bait like a fish is the sea. There are communciations that seem legitimate and pressure you to give perosnal information. Organisations that you don’t know or people pretending to be organisations you know. If you do not know them you must never give them your personal details or click whatever it is that they have sent to you. Delete the email and carry on with your life.
Be wary of emails that ask you to click a url (link), this might end up destroing not only your laptop but your organisations network. Some ransomware come thorugh that way. Before you know it you are already compromised and you cannot access your laptop or your organisation’s network is down. Before you click it very its legitimacy. Check with the organisation if they are running a campaign of any sort don’t be caught gullible.
Some people are as devious as to pretend to be someone who is in authority who is asking you to change your password and hence they get acess to your emails and more. So becareful of emails that pretend to be authorities of a site you know who ask you to change your password. Take time to understand who it is and where they are from.